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Hello Kazu and congratulations for the new DEATHROLL single and video! Can you tell us about the inspiration behind the song “The Fog Covers Heart” and what the meaning is behind the lyrics?

I composed the song inspired by the music of Dissection and Darkthrone. I strictly discipline my mental laxity. I sang about the importance of this.

What was the creative process like when making the music video for the song?

We filmed it in the streets of Tokyo. In the US and other countries, it is customary to make fun of men who dress flamboyantly, but in Japan, looking flamboyant has a different connotation: old Japanese gangsters, like X JAPAN, liked to look flamboyant. So did the samurai of old. In other words, looking flashy is also a sign of a strong heart.

How does the new video fit into the overall concept of your upcoming album?

The idea was to make one song more compact, not like the previous JAPANESE EXTREME METAL ART album, which was not a big production thought.

What can fans expect from the upcoming album in terms of sound and themes?

I’m going to keep the DEATHROLL style, but also put my own taste of Black Metal into it.

How would you describe the evolution of DEATHROLL’s music from your previous albums to this new one?

Around the time of A Sick Life, I was conscious of the monotony of the music, so that it was a bit more like power metal and easier to leave an impression. But now I’m even more uncompromising in my taste in music.

I think it’s becoming more EXTREME.

What sets DEATHROLL apart from other Japanese Black/Heavy Metal bands in the scene?

I have yet to see a band in Japan that combines black metal/heavy metal. And DEATHROLL’s unique features are their hair and make-up, i.e. the way they dare to dress differently from old-school black metal. And to be honest, it doesn’t seem realistic for non-religious Japanese to sing about the Anti-Christ. Therefore, the band sings about the spiritual darkness in the Japanese way.

How has the band been staying creative and productive?

I’m not happy with where I am and have only achieved a small percentage of my goals. And I love metal. It’s all about that.

What influences outside of Metal music inspire your songwriting and artistic direction?

When I first started playing guitar, I also started with metal tunes, even though they were game sounds. I listened to a lot of different things when I was learning to play guitar, but in the end I think I was only influenced by metal.

Are there any specific messages or emotions you hope fans take away from “The Fog Covers Heart” and the upcoming album as a whole?

DEATHROLL aims to be a band that is masculine, and that is hard on itself and honest. Some people might say that we aim for sincerity, but it doesn’t mean that we’re weak and feeble. It means being strong and disciplined.

How do you approach translating the energy and intensity of your live performances into your recordings?

I try to be precise when recording.

However, we are not afraid to express our DEATHROLL-ness.

What are your plans for promoting the new album once it’s released, and do you have any future tour dates or performances lined up? Thank you for the interview!

No plans yet, but we are definitely still working on it. Wait for further news.

Deathroll – The fog covers heart (Music Video)