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Hi guys! Welcome to Rockallica! Your latest single is entitled “Fight”. What do you think modern man has to “Fight” for or against?

I think we as ‘modern men’ face a complex array of challenges, including a work-life balance, the influence of technology, mental health issues, and societal expectations. Overcoming these obstacles requires a lot of self-reflection, support networks, and a commitment to personal growth and societal change.

You play melodic death metal with catchy grooves and hooks. Which bands are your influences?

Well, we are all big fans of the Death/Thrash genre, and we get compared to Amon Amarth – A LOT!!

Do you use certain adjustments in the studio to achieve the HELESTIOS personal, clear and thick sound?

Well, not really, just the usual mixing, effects, delays, etc. we try and keep it as raw as we can, plus if we go over the top, we’d not be able to re-create it on stage.

Is composing music a collective or a solo job for the band?

Henrijs usually writes most of the songs with guide tracks for the rest of us to get a rough idea of

what the finished product will be. The 3rd album will have more of all of us involved in the writing process.

What does HELESTIOS mean? How did you decide to use this name?

A: It doesn’t really mean anything. It’s a mix up of Henrijs and Stylianos names.

What was the response in “Your Pain Tastes Good” album (the band’s debut) and in which ways is the new “Road to Ecstasy” album better?

The response to the YPTG was amazing, great reviews from around the world, good sales, great

show support and above all, amazing songs on the album, The 2nd album is a bit different, tackling social constructs and issues, the world as it is unfolding around us, Lockdown had a big influence.

How do you see modern metal compared to old school metal, and where do you place HELESTIOS in this scale?

Old school metal is characterized by is raw, energetic, with distorted guitars, loud drums, and powerful vocals. The emphasis is often on catchy riffs, memorable melodies, and epic song structures whereas Modern metal is a lot more produced with more sub genres, but all pretty much with influences from the old school stuff, Helestios fit with a bit of both I think. A mix of Thrash, Death, Doom, etc.

How often do you play live? What’s your plan for next shows?

We have just cemented the new line up so gigs are starting in June, and from there on through 23, then 24, we’re planning on spending more time in Europe as ¾ of the band are not from UK,

    How often do you rehearse?

    A: When we need to, new songs, upcoming gigs etc. at least twice a month.

    What is the key to success for a metal band? Is there room for new bands to become what bands like MOTORHEAD, METALLICA or SLAYER became in the past?

    Success? Every band is plugging away hoping for success, Yeah, I think there’s always room for bands to rise to the top. The bands above were local bands at one time, I think it’s all about Marketing and having the right team behind you

    How do we order the band’s material? Thank you for the interview and keep up the great work!

    Thank you very much for asking us, both albums and t-shirts are available at our Bandcamp store,

    Helestios – Fight (OFFICIAL VIDEO)